7. Desmatodon raucopapillosus X.-J. Li, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 3(1):105. 1981.
Tortula raucopapillosa (X.-J. Li) Zand., Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 32: 226. 1993.
Plants small, ca. 10 mm high, dull, green to reddish brown, in dense tufts. Stems simple, rarely branched, radiculose at the base. Leaves rounded-elliptic or ovate-ligulate, 2–3 mm x 0.65–0.90 mm, rounded to obtuse, sometimes mucronate at the apex; margins entire, mostly plane or sometimes slightly revolute in the lower half, borders not differentiated; costa stout, slender above, ending just below the apex; upper cells quadrate to hexagonal, densely covered with C-shaped and circular papillae; basal cells irregularly linear rectangular, smooth, hyaline. Setae slender, less than 1 cm long; capsules erect, thick, elliptic-cylindrical; peristome teeth short, erect, lanceolate, irregularly bifid, slightly papillose, basal membrane none. Spores spherical, coarsely papillose.
Type. China: Xizang, Sa-ga Co., 5000 m, K.-Y. Lang 1210 (holotype HKAS).
Specimens examined: XINJINAG: Tashinkur, Suibulong valley, J.-L. Wu 4486 (HKAS). XIZANG: Sa-ga Co., K.-Y. Lang 1212 (PE).
Habitat: on soil of grasslands; Distribution: endemic to China.
Illustrations: Pl. 116, figs. 1–4.