Didymodon constrictus var. flexicuspis (P.-C. Chen) Saito, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 39:516. 1975; Barbula constricta var. flexicuspis P.-C. Chen, Hedwigia 80: 203, 31 f. 8. 1941.
Barbula longicostata X.-J. Li, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 3: 105. f. 2: 10–15. 1981. Type. China: Xizang, Lin-zhi (Nyingchi) Co., S.-K. Chen 430 (holotype HKAS); ibidem, S.-K. Chen 428, 432 (paratypes HKAS).
This variety differs from var. constrictus in having costa long excurrent, usually awns longer than leaf length, leaf bases broader, and lower half of the margins often revolute.
Type. China: Yunnan, Li-jiang Co., Yu-long Xue-shan (Mt.), Handel-Mazzetti 4288 (holotype H).
Specimens examined: SHANXI: Ning-wu Co., C. Gao 30953 (HKAS, IFSBH). SICHUAN: Ba-tang Co., X.-J. Li 81–2819 (HKAS); De-rong Co., X.-J. Li 81–2893, 81–2933 (HKAS); Lu-ding Co., Y. Xuan 231 (HKAS); Xiang-cheng Co., X.-J. Li 81–3077 (HKAS). TAIWAN: Tai-chung Co., Feb. 27, 1978, S. Lin s.n. (MO). XINJIANG: Begeda Shan (Mt.), J.-C. Zhao 2774 (HKAS); Urumqi Co., S. He 951027 (MO). XIZANG: Mo-tuo Co., Y.-G. Su 899, 2440 (HKAS). YUNNAN: Bin-chuan Co., M.-K. Cui 706c, 819a (HYUB); De-qin Co., M. Zang 8425 (HKAS); Li-jiang Co., X.-J. Li 85401, 85464 (HKAS); Zhong-dian Co., X.-J. Li 81–1495 (HKAS).
Habitat: on rocks in forests; Distribution: endemic to China.
Illustrations: Pl. 117, figs. 9–13.