2. Gymnostomum calcareum Nees & Hornsch., Bryologia Germanica. 1:153. 1823.
Plants slender, less than 10 mm high, dark yellowish green, in cushions. Stems erect, usually simple. Leaves 0.7–0.8 mm long, narrowly elliptic-lanceolate to ligulate, blunt or rounded at the apex; margins plane, entire; costa stout, ending below the apex; upper leaf cells rounded quadrate, somewhat thick-walled, pluripapillose; basal cells rectangular, thin-walled, smooth, hyaline. Setae slender, 3–4 mm long; capsules ovoid-cylindrical.
Type. Germany.
Chinese specimens examined: BEIJING: Xiang-shan (Mt.), J.-X. Luo 5 (PE). GUANGDONG: Le-chang Co., G.-Q. Zeng 499 (HKAS). GUANGXI: Shang-si Co., C. Gao 2118 (HKAS, IFSBH). HEBEI: She Co., H.-B. Cui 15 (PE). JIANGSU: Nan-jing City, M. Zang 18833 (HKAS). NEI MONGOL: He-lan Shan (Mt.), Z.-G. Tong 1138 (PE); He-la-wu Shan (Mt.), Z.-G. Tong 1862 (PE). SHAANXI: western Tai-bai Shan (Mt.), Z.-P. Wei s.n. (WUG). SICHUAN: Cheng-du City, J. Vacea 7836 (H), P.-C. Chen 1265 (PE); Xiang-cheng Co., J.-L. Yang 4445 (HKAS); Yan-yuan Co., Ya-long-jiang (River), Handel-Mazzetti 1914 (H). XINJIANG: He-jing Co., S. He 951222 (MO). XIZANG: Ding-qing Co., M. Zang 5341 (HKAS); Mo-tuo Co., Y.-G. Su 3569 (HKAS); Zhu-mu-lang-ma-feng (Mt.), X.-G. Wang 64 (PE). YUNNAN: Bin-chuan Co., M.-K. Cui 6216 (HYUB); De-qin Co., X.-J. Li 1574 (HKAS); Geng-ma Co., S.-Y. Zeng 80–1118 (HKAS).
Habitat: on calcareous rocks in alpine regions or on thin soil over rocks; Distribution: China, Sikkim, western Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America, and Australia.
Illustrations: C. Gao (ed.) 1996 (Pl. 50, figs. 1–7).