4. Hyophila propagulifera Broth., Hedwigia. 38:212. 1899.
Hyophila okanurae Broth., Ann. Bryol. 1: 18. 1928.
Hyophila naganoi Sak., Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 67: 41, f. 6. 1954.
Trichostomum uematsui Broth. ex Iish., Cat. Mosses Japan 63. 1929.
Plants very small, only to 5 mm high, yellowish green, in loose or dense tufts. Stems erect, simple, densely foliate in the upper part, radiculose at the base. Leaves crisped when dry, erect-spreading when moist, ovate-ligulate, obtusely apiculate at the apex; margins serrulate in the upper half, entire in the lower half; costa stout, percurrent; upper leaf cells rounded-hexagonal, mammillose; basal cells larger, rectangular, smooth. Sporophytes not seen.
Type. Japan: Hondo, Yedo, Wichura 1396a.
Chinese specimens examined: BEIJING: Z.-G. Tong 6 (PE). GUANGDONG: Guang-zhou City, C. Gao 8286 (IFSBH, PE); Yang-shan Co., L. Zhang 383 (HKAS). HUBEI: Sheng-nong-jia (Mt.), P.-C. Wu 71 (MO, PE). JIANGSU: Nan-jing City, P.-C. Chen 23 (PE). YUNNAN: An-ning Co., S.-Y. Zeng 320 (HKAS); Bin-chuan Co., M.-K. Cui 460a (HYUB); Kun-ming City, W.-X. Xu 641125 (HYUB); Li-jiang Co., X.-J. Li 81241 (HKAS); Jing-hong Co., L. Zhang 368, 540 (HKAS); Qiu-bei Co., X.-J. Li 259 (HKAS); Yang-bi Co., Redfearn et al. 99 (MO).
Habitat: on rocks or soil walls near streams; Distribution: China and Japan.
Illustrations: Pl. 127, figs. 5–7.