Dichodontium integrum Sakuari, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo). 62: 104. 1949.
Plants medium-sized, up to 15 mm high, greenish above, reddish brown below, in dense tufts. Stems simple or branched, covered with dark brown rhizoids below. Leaves ca. 3 mm × 0.5 mm, lanceolate-lingulate, from a slightly sheathing base to nearly acute to obtuse apex, somewhat contorted when dry, erect-spreading when moist, slightly undulate above, somewhat recurved below; costa subpercurrent, keeled and mammillose on the back; upper leaf cells rounded-quadrate, green, obscure and mammillose, lower cells rectangular, pellucid and smooth.
The species description was translated from the original publication (Sakurai 1949).
Type. China: Shanxi province, Jinci Pref., Sato 7.
Habitat: on rocks; Distribution: endemic to China.
The species is similar to the North American Dichodontium olympicum Ren. & Card.
Illustrations: Sakurai 1949 (Fig. 1).
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