Dicranoloma brevisetum var. brevisetum (Dozy & Molk.) Paris, Index Bryol. (ed. 2). 2: 25. 1904; Megalostylium brevisetum Dozy & Molk., Musci Frond. Ined. Archip. Ind. 6: 146. Pl. 144. 1848.
Plants variable in size, up to 10 cm high, usually whitish green, in dense, sparsely radiculose tufts. Stems simple or forked, sometimes with filamentous propagules in the upper leaf axils; central strand absent. Leaves erect-spreading, falcate-secund in the upper stems, lanceolate, smooth or slightly plicate, rather abruptly narrowed from a clasping base to a long, setaceous, and denticulate apex; margins plane, entire below, strongly serrate above; costa percurrent to shortly excurrent, with two rows of lamellae at back above, often with additional rows of teeth in between; cells elongate-rectangular, thick-walled, pitted or porose; alar cells differentiated, forming distinct, brownish auricles, extending to near the costa, with longitudinally thickened walls. Sporophytes not seen.
Type. Indonesia: Java, Junghuhn s.n.
Chinese specimens examined: HAINAN: Wuzhi Shan (Mt.), P.-J. Lin 2157 (IBSC).
Habitat: on bases of trees; Distribution: China, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea.
Illustrations: Eddy 1988 (Fig. 138).