Dicranoloma brevisetum var. samoanum (Broth.) Tan 7 Koponen, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 20: 326. 1983; Dicranoloma braunii (C. Müll. ex Dozy & Molk.) Paris var. samoana Broth. in Rech., Akad. Wiss. Wien Math.-Naturwiss. Kl., Denkschr. 84: 387. 1908.
Dicranoloma braunii (C. Müll.) Paris, Index Bryol. (ed. 2) 2: 25. 1904. Dicranum braunii C. Müll. in Dozy & Molk., Bryol. Jav. 1: 69. 1858.
Dicranoloma braunii fo. mindanense Broth. ex Fleisch., Musci Fl. Buitenzorg 1: 84. 1904.
Plants variable in size, yellowish green above, dark brown below, in dense tufts. Stems simple or branched, often with brownish, filamentous propagules in the upper leaf axils; central strand absent. Leaves mostly erect-spreading when moist, strongly convolute-concave when dry; often plicate, narrowly lanceolate, from clasping base to subulate at the apex; margins plane, entire or serrulate above or only near the apex; costa mostly excurrent, two rows of lamellae at back in the upper half of leaves; cells narrowly rectangular to linear, strongly thick-walled, often porose; alar cells in a hyaline, brownish group. Sporophytes not seen.
Type. Samoa.
Chinese specimens examined: HAINAN: Bawangling (Mt.), C. Gao 3262 (IFSBH). TAIWAN: Tai-dong Co., Matsuda 1288 (H), 1325 (H, as Dicranoloma braunii fo. mindanense).
Habitat: on bases of trees; Distribution: China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and New Guinea.
Illustrations: Pl. 38, figs. 1–9.