4. Barbula dixoniana (P.-C. Chen) Redfearn & B. C. Tan, Trop. Bryol. 10:66. 1995; Hydrogonium dixonianum P.-C. Chen, Hedwigia 80: 250, 49 f. 3–6. 1941.
Barbula inflexa Dix., Symb. Sin., Nachtr. Bericht. 19. 1929, hom. illeg.
Barbula subpellucida auct. non Mitt., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot., Suppl. 1: 35. 1859.
Plants small, soft, in loose tufts. Leaves appressed or contorted when dry, erect-spreading when moist, ovate-lanceolate to oblong-triangular, rounded obtuse or acute; margins entire, often recurved in lower 1/2 –2/3 of the leaf length; costa stout, percurrent or ending just below apex; upper leaf cells quadrate to hexagonal, rather thin-walled, obscure, multi-papillose with C-shaped papillae; basal cells usually differentiated, irregularly short-rectangular, smooth, hyaline. Gemmae often present, filiform, in leaf axils. Dioicous. Perichaetial leaves differentiated, often sheathing at base.
Type. China: Sichuan (Setschwan), Xi-chang Co. (Ningyüen), Handel-Mazzetti 1617 (holotype H).
Specimens examined: HENAN: Ji-gong Shan (Mt.), H.-J. Yu 24 (PE). JIANGSU: Wu Co., D.-K. Li 7372 (HKAS, SHM). XIZANG: Ban-ge Co., K.-Y. Lang 1238 (HKAS); Ding-qing (Dengqen) Co., M. Zang 5341a (HKAS). YUNNAN: He-kou Co., X.-J. Li 4942 (HKAS); Jing-hong Co., Redfearn et al. 34046 (MO); Shun-ning, Q.-W. Wang 7362 (PE).
Habitat: on rocks or thin soil over rocks; Distribution: endemic to China.
Illustrations: Pl. 109, figs. 9–12.