3. Hyophila nymaniana (Fleisch.) Menzel, Willdenowia. 22:198. 1992; Glyphomitrium nymanianum Fleisch., Musci Buitenzorg 1: 372. f. 69. 1904.
Hyophila rosea Williams, Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 8: 341. 1914.
Plants small to medium-sized, to 15 mm high, in dense tufts. Stems erect, usually branched, densely foliate. Leaves oblong-elliptic, often keeled, contorted with in-rolled margins when dry, erect-spreading when moist; margins plane, sometimes revolute in the lower half; costa stout, shortly excurrent as an apiculus, highly papillose on the back; upper leaf cells small, rounded-hexagonal, mammillose on both sides or papillose; basal cells larger, smooth, more or less hyaline. Gemmae global, consisting of 3–4 cells. Dioicous. Setae ca. 8 mm long; capsules erect, cylindrical, ca. 2.0–2.5 mm long.
Type. Indonesia: Java.
Chinese specimens examined: ANHUI: Huang Shan (Mt.), W.-F. Zheng 89 (HKAS); Qian-shan Co., Z.-L. Liu 30324 (HKAS, SHM); She Co., P.-C. Chen 6429 (HKAS, PE). FUJIAN: Fu-zhou City, Gu Shan (Mt.), M. Zang 897 (HKAS); Wuyi Shan (Mt.), P.-C. Chen 99 (PE), D.-K. Li 11483 (HKAS, SHM). GUANGDONG: Lian Co., L. Zhang 807 (HKAS). HAINAN: Diao-luo Shan (Mt.), C. Gao 18550 (HKAS, IFSBH). HUNAN: Chang-sha City, G.-Z. He Y30 (MO, PE); Da-rong City, D.-K. Li 18164 (HKAS, SHM). JIANGSU: Chang-shu City, D.-K. Li 17801 (HKAS, SHM); Wu-xi City, Z.-L. Wang 3 (PE); Yi-xing Co., D.-K. Li 216 (HKAS, SHM). JIANGXI: Lu Shan (Mt.), P.-C. Chen 99 (PE); Xun-wu Co., M.-X. Gong 560033 (PE). JILIN: Chang-bai Shan (Mt.), C. Gao 7622 (HKAS, IFSBH); Pan-shi Co., X.-L. Chen 2511 (HKAS, IFSBH). SHAANXI: Wu-gong Co., P.-C. Chen 47038 (PE). TAIWAN: Nan-tow Co., C.-K. Wang 1468 (NICH). XIZANG: Mo-tuo Co., Y.-G. Su s.n. (HKAS). YUNNAN: Si-mou Co., X.-J. Li 2404 (HKAS); Xuan-wei Co., Bao Shan, X.-J. Li 811796 (HKAS). ZHEJIANG: Pu-tuo Shan (Mt.), D.-K. Li 7127 (HKAS, SHM); western Tian-mu Shan (Mt.), R.-L. Hu 98 (HKAS, HSNU).
Habitat: on rocks or thin soil over rocks in forests; also on bases of trees; Distribution: China, Himalayas, India, Thailand, Peninsula Malaysia, and the Philippines.
Illustrations: C. Gao (ed.) 1996 (Pl. 60, figs. 1–3, as Hyophila rosea).