2. Weisiopsis plicata (Mitt.) Broth., Öfvers. Förh. Finska Vetensk.-Soc. 62A(9):8. 1921; Hyophila plicata Mitt., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 22: 304. 15 f. 13–16. 1886.
Plants small, to 4.0 mm high, green to yellowish green, in low dense tufts. Stems erect, simple, rarely branched by new growth. Leaves usually erect-curved to contorted when dry, spreading when moist, spathulate, narrowed near base, rounded-obtuse at apex; margins plane or weakly incurved to undulate, entire or finely crenulate by projecting papillae; costa slender, percurrent; upper leaf cells very small, rounded hexagonal, strongly thick-walled, bulging or mammillose; basal cells sharply differentiated, enlarged, rectangular, thin-walled, smooth. Autoicous. Setae very short, ca. 3 mm long, yellowish; capsules erect to suberect, cylindrical, plicate when dry; opercula erect conic-rostrate with a rather long beak; peristome erect, linear-subulate, faintly papillose.
Type. Tanzania: Usagara Mt., Hannington s.n.
Chinese specimens examined: FUJIAN: Gu Shan (Mt.), M. Zang 829 (HKAS); Xia-men City, D.-K. Li 10734, 10897 (HKAS); Zhang-zhou City, M. Zang 566 (HKAS). GUANGDONG: Ding-hu Shan (Mt.), Koponen 38085 (H, HKAS). HAINAN: Ba-wang-ling (Mt.), C. Gao 3024 (HKAS, IFSBH). HUNAN: Chang-sha City, D.-K. Li 17899 (HKAS, SHM). JIANGSU: Wu Co., D.-K. Li 6867 (HKAS, SHM). TAIWAN: Tai-pei Co., Koponen 18318 (H, HKAS); Yang-ming Shan (Mt.), Iwatsuki & Sharp 2066 (NICH). XIZANG: Lin-zhi Co., Y.-G. Su 2708 (HKAS); Mo-tuo Co., Y.-G. Su 3551 (HKAS). YUNNAN: Kun-ming City, M. Zang 1066 (HKAS); Lv-chun Co., M. Zang 926 (HKAS); Teng-chong Co., X.-J. Li 77279 (HKAS); Wan-dian City, X.-J. Li 77086 (HKAS).
Habitat: on rocks, thin soil over rocks or on forest ground; Distribution: China, and southeastern Africa.
Illustrations: Pl. 137, figs. 6–10.