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Pakistan | Family List | Aceraceae

Acer Linn., Sp. Pl. 1054. 1753. Gen. Pl.ed.5.474.1754; Boiss.,Fl.Or. 1:947-952.1867; Hiern in Hook.f.,Fl.Brit.Ind.1:692-696.1875; Pax in Engler, Pflanzenr. IV(163) Heft 8:1-80.1902; Pojarkova in Komarov, Fl.URSS. 14.580-622.1949; E. Murray & Rech. f. in Rech.f., Fl. Iran. 61:1969; E. Murray, Monogr. Aceraceae 1-337.1970.

Acer cappadocicum

Credit: M.Y. Saleem

A genus of about 120 species; represented in Pakistan by 8 species of which 2 are cultivated.

1 Leaves pinnately compound, usually trifoliolate   Acer negundo
+ Leaves simple, entire or lobed   (2)
2 (1) Leaves unlobed, ovate-lanceolate, persistent   Acer oblongum
+ Leaves palmately lobed, deciduous   (3)
3 (2) Leaf margin serrate; lobes 3-5; petiole sap clear   (6)
+ Leaf margin entire, lobes 5-7; petiole sap milky   (4)
4 (3) Primary lobes of leaves rounded to acute, margin often ciliate   Acer campestre
+ Primary lobes of leaves acuminate, margin not ciliate   (5)
5 (4) Trees tall; twigs stout, 5-8 mm thick. Leaves mostly 5-lobed, 8-15 cm across. Inflorescence terminal   Acer caesium
+ Trees small; twigs 2-5 mm thick. Leaves mostly 3-lobed, 4-8 cm across. Inflorescence lateral   (7)
6 (3) Leaf lobes triangular, acute or blunt; margins subentire to remotely crenate-subserrate   Acer pentapomicum
+ Leaf lobes caudate-acuminate; margins acutely serrate   Acer acuminatum

Lower Taxa

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  • LI, J.H. et al. 2006. Phylogenetics of Acer (Aceroideae, Sapindaceae) based on nucleotide sequences
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