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Pakistan | Family List | Ranunculaceae

12. Anemone L., Sp. Pl. 538. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5:614. 1754, G. Pritzel in Linnaea 15:561-698. 1841, Boiss., Fl. Or. 1:9. 1967, Hook.f. & Thoms. in Hook.f.. Fl. Brit. Ind. 1:7. 1872, E. Ulbrich in Engler, Bot. Jahrb. 37:172. 1906 & Verh. Bot. Vet. Prov. Brandenburg 48:1. 1906, S.V. Yuzepchuk in Komarov, Fl. URSS. 7:236-282. 1937, Qureshi & Chaudhri in Pak. Syst. 4(1-2):104.1988.


National Herbarium, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Anemone tetrasepala

Credit: S. Hameed

Perennial herbs, with a tuberous or fleshy cylindrical woodstock. Stem simple or branched. Leaves compound in various ways, usually palmatisect or palmatipartite, sometimes only stem leaves verticillate, forming an involucre. Flowers solitary or in cymose, umbel-l ike inflorescences, sepals 5-20, petaloid. Stamens numerous. Carpels numerous, arranged in globose heads or cylindrical spikes. Ovule pendulous, seeds with one integument.

Many species are poisonous, some are cultivated as ornamental plants. The genus comprises of about 150 species and has a world wide distribution. In Pakistan, represented by 7-8 species.

Species doubtfully recorded

Anemone biflora DC., Syst. Nat. 1:201.1818, Boiss, Fl. Or. 1:12.1867, Tamura in Kitamura, Fl. Afghan. 119. 1960, Qureshi & Chaudhri in Pak. Syst. 4(1-2):107.1988.

The occurence of this taxon in Pakistan is doubtful. Boissier (l.c.) cites a gathering from Baluchistan which I have not been able to verify. The specimens mentioned by Stewart [Ann. Catalogue Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 260. 1972] under this name belong to Anemone tchernjaewii which closely resembles Anemone biflora, but differs in the shallow cut primary segments of leaves. The general distribution of Anemone bifora is in Iran and Afghanistan.

1 Achenes embedded in dense wool. The carpels with a ring of hairs along their margin at anthems   (2)
+ Achenes not embedded in dense wool. Young carpels without a ring of hairs along their margin   (4)
2 (1) Stem 30-90 cm high, branched. Basal leaves 5-7-lobed, lobes acute, with ± irregular teeth along margin   1 Anemone vitifolia
+ Stem much shorter, usually unbranched. Leaves different   (3)
3 (2) Rhizome elongate, woody. Sepals 25-30 mm long   2 Anemone rupicola
+ Rhizome short, tuberous. Sepals upto 15 mm long   3 Anemone tschernjaewii
4 (1) Flowers solitary, rarely 2-3   (5)
+ Flowers in umbel-l ike inflorescences   (6)
5 (4) Leaves of involucre trifid, free to the very base   4 Anemone obtusiloba
+ Leaves of involucre entire, elliptic-oblong, rarely trilobed, connate at least at the base   5 Anemone falconeri
6 (4) All or at least some segments of radical leaves shortly stalked   8 Anemone rivularis
+ Segments of radical leaves always sessile, sometimes connate at very base. Stout plants   (7)
7 (6) Leaves densely covered with appressed hairs on upper surface. Umbels often simple   6 Anemone polyanthes
+ Leaves glabrous (or becoming glabrescent) on upper surface. Umbels nearly always compound   7 Anemone tetrasepala

Lower Taxa

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