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Pakistan | Family List | Balanophoraceae

Balanophora J.R.& G. Forster, Charact. Gen. Pl. t.50. 1776. Benth. & Hook.f., Gen. Pl. 3:235.1880; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5:237.1886; H. Harms in Engl. & Prantl Die Naturl. Pflanzenf. ed. 2, 16 b. 1935.

Rootstock tuberous, sometimes branched. Peduncles stout or not, usually solitary, bearing about its middle an involucre of partially connate leaf-like scales. Ovary ovoid or ellipsoid, ± compressed. Style 1; stigma terminal.

80 species distributed from Madagascar to Japan, Malaysia, Australia, Polynesia. Represented in Pakistan by 1 species.

Lower Taxon

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