Butea Konig ex Roxb., Pl. Corom. 1:22.t.21. 1795. (conserved name); Baker in Hook.f., Fl. Brit.Ind. 2:194.1876; Cooke,Fl. Bomb. Pres. (reprint ed.) 1:395. 1958; Talbot, For. Fl.Bomb. Pres. & Sind, 409.1911 ;Parker,For.Fl.Punj .3rd .ed. 159.1956.
Trees or climbing shrubs, tomentose. Leaves pinnately trifoliolate, stipellate; stipules small caducous. Flowers large, orange or flame coloured, densely fascicled, fascicles racemose or paniculate. Bracts and bracteoles narrow, caducous. Calyx broadly campanulate, teeth short deltoid. Corolla much exserted; vexillum ovate, acute, recurved, not appendaged; wings falcate, adherent to the keel; keel much incurved, acute. Stamens diadelphous, vexillary stamen free, others connate, anthers uniform. Ovary with 2 ovules, style incurved, stigma terminal. Fruit oblong or broadly linear, 2 valved and 1-seeded at the top.
A genus with 3 species distributed in Pakistan, India, Burma and Ceylon.
Lower Taxon
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