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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae

Castanospermum A. Cunn. in Hook. Bot.Misc. 1:241.t.51. 1830. Parker, For. Fl. Punj. ed. 3. 171. 1956.

Tree. Leaf imparipinnate; leaflets exstipellate, coriaceous, large. Inflorescence a short raceme on one year old branch. Flower large, yellow. Bract minute. Bracteoles absent. Calyx coloured, teeth short and broad. Vexillum obovate-orbicular, bigger than other petals. Stamens 10, free, anthers versatile. Ovary stipitate, style curved, stigma terminal. Fruit subfalcate, woody coriaceous, spongy between the seeds. Seeds subglobose, large

A genus with 2 species.; subtropical Australia and N.Caledonia

Lower Taxon


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