Cicer Linn., Sp.Pl. 738. 1753. Gen.Pl. ed.5.327.1754; M.G. Popov in Bull. Appl. Bot. Gen. Pl.Breed.21:3.1929; Baker in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2:176.1876; van der Maesen in Medd. Landbouwhogesch. Wageningen 72 (10): 1-342.1972.
Perennial or annual, erect or prostrate herbs or undershrubs. Leaf mostly pinnately compound, terminal leaflet sometimes modified into a tendril, or spine; leaflets dentate; stipules foliaceous, toothed or divided or spiny, stipels absent. Inflorescence axillary, solitary or few flowered, bracts small, bracteoles absent. Calyx tube oblique or gibbous, lobes subequal. Vexillum narrowed into a broad claw, appendages absent. Stamens diadelphous, 9+1, vexillary stamen free, anthers uniform. Ovary 2-few-ovuled, style not bearded, stigma terminal. Fruit sessile, oblong to ellipsoid to linear-oblong, inflated. Seed irregular ovoid.
A genus with about 38 species, distributed from Morocco to Tibet; represented in Pakistan by 4 species, including a cultivated species.
Lower Taxa
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