Cistanche Hoffmg. & Link, Fl. Port. 1:318, t. 63. 1809. Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4:323.1885; Beck in Pflanzenr. IV. 261:26. 1930; Cooke, Fl. Bomb. Pres. (rep. ed.) 2:386.1958; Graham in Turrill & Milne-Redhead, Fl. Trop. E.Afr. (Orobanchaceae) 1.1957; Helen Schiman-Czeika in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 5:20.1964.
Phelipaea_sect._Cistanche Walp.
Erect, fleshy, scaly, root-parasites, often conspicuously swollen at base. Spikes often large, congested. Flowers large, outcurved, bracteate and usually 2-bracteolate. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 4-5-lobed, rarely fissured posteriorly. Corolla tubular-infundibuliform, with usually 5, subequal lobes. Stamens, subexserted, inserted low down on the corolla-tube; anthers equally 2-celled, much shorter than the filaments. Ovary 1-celled, many-ovuled on 4, parietal placentae; style long, decurved at the tip with broad stigma; seeds small, subglobose, reticulately punctate.
About 15 species in Afro-Asian region; represented in Pakistan by a single species.
Lower Taxon
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