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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae

Clitoria Linn., Sp. Pl. 753. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed.5.334.1754; Baker in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2:208.1876; Cooke, Fl.Bomb.Pres. (reprint ed.) 1:405.1958.

Climbing or erect herbs or shrubs, rarely trees. Leaf mostly pinnately 3-9-foliolate; stipels and stipules present. Inflorescence racemose or axillary solitary or paired. Bracts stipule-like; bracteoles large. Calyx 5 toothed, 2 upper teeth subconnate. Corolla white, red or blue. Vexillum without appendages, larger than other petals. Stamens monadelphous or diadelphous, 9+1, vexillary stamen free; anthers uniform or 5 dorsifixed alternating with 5 subbasifixed. Ovary stipitate, 2-many ovuled, style more or less flattened, bearded inside, stigma terminal. Fruit linear-oblong, compressed or turgid.

A genus with about 30 species, distributed in tropics and subtropics; locally represented by 1 species.

Lower Taxon


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