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Pakistan | Family List | Menispermaceae

Cocculus DC., Syst. 1 :515. 1817. nom. cons. ; Hook. f. & Thoms. in Hook. f., l.c. 101; Boiss., Fl. Or. 4: 1201. 1879; T. Cooke, l.c. 20; Parsa, Fl. Iran. 1. 445-46. 1951; Parker, l.c. 7; Troupin in Turrill & Milne-Redhead, l.c. 10; Forman in Kew Bull. 15:479. 1962; Jafri, Fl. Kar. 127. 1966.

Cocculus pendulus

Credit: M.Y. Saleem

  • Cebatha Forssk.
  • Holopeira Miers
  • Menispermum L.

    Shrubs or woody climbers; dioecious or polygamous. Leaves multicostate. Flowers panicled, minute, greenish and trimerous. Sepals 6, 2-seriate, inner larger. Petals 6, smaller than the sepals, usually auricled, concave. Male flowers: stamens 6, filaments free, anthers subglobose, opening by transverse slits. Female flowers: staminodes 6 or absent; carpels 3-6, uniovulate; style cylindrical. Drupes usually 3, laterally compressed, scar of the style basal. Seed tubercled, horseshoe-shaped, albuminous.

    A genus of about 35 species, distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical countries of the world. Represented by 2 species in Pakistan.

    1 Leaves glabrous or slightly puberulous, linear- oblong or trapezoid. Female inflorescence 0.7-1.3 cm long   Cocculus pendulus
    + Leaves densely greyish-tomentose or puberulous, generally ovate-oblong, Female inflorescence 0.5- 2.5 cm long   Cocculus hirsutus

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