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Pakistan | Family List | Cucurbitaceae

11. Corallocarpus Hook. f. in Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 1:831. 1867. Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2:628. 1879; Cogn. in A. & C. DC., Monogr. Phan. 3:648. 1881; Chakravarty in Rec. Bot. Surv. Ind. 17(1):168. 1959; Jafri, Fl. Kar. 324. 1966; C. Jeffrey in Milne-Redhead and Polhill, Fl. Trop. E. Afr. (Cucurbitaceae): 138. 1967; C. Jeffrey in Kew Bull. 15(3): 344. 1962.


Climbing and trailing, tuberous rooted, monoecious, perennial herbs, scabrid to subtomentose. Trendril simple. Leaves simple, petiolate, broadly ovate or reniform, cordate, palmately lobed, leaf lobes minutely apiculate-obtuse. Flowers small, dull or greenish-yellow. Male crowded at the apex, usually on long peduncles, few to many, sometimes produced on contracted, ± leafless branches at the nodes, calyx tube campanulate with small lobes. Petals connate at the base. Stamens 3, free, inserted on the calyx tube, one 1-thecous, the others 2-thecous, filaments short, thecae short, straight, lateral. Female flowers solitary or fascicled, subsessile, often co-axillary with the male inflorescence. Disc absent. Staminodes when present 5, subulate. Stigma 2(-3)-lobed. Fruit a berry, small, ovoid or ellipsoid, often beaked, red or yellowish-red, operculately dehiscent at the base. Seeds small, asymmetrically pyriform to subglobose.

About 12 species, mostly African, and a few Asian; 2 or 3 species found in Pakistan.

1 Seeds subglobose or globose, not narrowed at base. Leaves usually pubescent   3 Corallocarpus schimperi
+ Seeds asymmetrically ± pyriform or ovoid, narrowed at base. Stem and leaves inconspicuously hairy   (2)
2 (1) Fruit pedicelled, ellipsoid or ovoid, suddenly contracted into the beak; seeds slightly margined   1 Corallocarpus epigaeus
+ Fruit sessile, conical, not suddenly contracted into the beak; seeds not margined   2 Corallocarpus conocarpus

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