Cyamopsis DC., Mem.Legum. 230. 1825. Baker in Hook.f.,Fl.Brit. Ind. 2:92. 1876; Cooke,Fl.Bomb.Pres.(reprint ed.) 1:328.1958.
Erect herb, branches pubescent, hairs biramous or woolly. Leaf imparipinnate; leaflets 3-7, entire or dentate, exstipellate; stipules small. Inflorescence an axillary raceme. Bract caducous. Calyx oblique, the lowest tooth longest. Corolla purplish. Vexillum glabrous. Keel pouched or spurred at the sides. Stamens monadelphous, anthers uniform, apiculate. Ovary sessile, ovules numerous, style incurved, stigma capitate. Fruit longitudinally ridged, beaked, several seeded with septa between the seeds.
A genus with 2-3 species in Tropical Africa, Arabia, Pakistan and India.
Lower Taxon
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