9. Datura L., Sp. Pl. 179. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5.83. 1754; Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:292. 1879; Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4:242. 1883; Duthie, Fl. Upper Gang. Pl. 2:130. 1911; Pojarkova in Fl. URSS. 22:109. 1955; Avery et al in Blakeslee, The genus Datura. Chronica Botanica, 20:16-47. 1959; Schoenbeck-Temesy in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 100: 45. 1972.
Annual herbs. Leaves entire to sinuate or toothed. Flowers axillary solitary, bisexual, erect, showy. Calyx tubular, persistent in fruit. Corolla tubular-infundibuliform, white or purple, the limb 5-12- lobed or-dentate, plaited. Stamens 5. alternating with the corolla lobes, attached near the base of the corolla tube. Upper part of the ovary 2-locular, lower 4-locular. Style slender, stigma bilobed. Fruit a spinose or tuberculate capsule dehiscing irregularly or by valves. Seeds many, compressed.
A genus of 10 species, distributed in Mexico, Australia, Pakistan and India. Represented in Pakistan by 4 species, of which none are native.
1 |
Shrubby, 3-4.5 m tall. Flowers 20-28 cm long. Cultivated |
4 Datura suaveolens |
+ |
Herbs (often suffruticose at the base) up to 2 m tall. Flowers 7-17 cm long. Widely naturalized |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Capsule erect, dehiscence 4-valved. Leaves sinuately dentate |
1 Datura stramonium |
+ |
Capsule nodding, dehiscence irregular. Leaves entire, repand to sinuate-wavy |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Plants subglabrous. Corolla 5-10-lobed, white or purple to yellow suffused. Calyx 1/2 corolla length or less. Capsule tuberculate or spinose with excrescences up to 3 mm long |
3 Datura fastuosa |
+ |
Plant parts dense pubescent-villous. Corolla 10(-12)- lobed, white. Calyx 1/2-2/3rd length of corolla. Capsule spiny, the spines 5-11 mm long |
2 Datura innoxia |
Lower Taxa
Related Synonym(s):
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