Dillenia Linn., Sp. Pl. 535. l753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5.239 l754; Roxb., Fl. Ind. ed. Carey 2:650.l832; Dalz. & Gibs., Bomb. Fl. 2. l86l; Hook. f. & Thorns. in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. l:36. l872; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bomb. (Repr. ed.) l:6. l958; Brandis, Ind. Tr. 3. l906; Talbot, For. Fl. Bomb. Pres. & Sind l:9. l9ll; Benthall, Tr. Calc. l. l946; Hoogland, in Van Steenis Fl. Malesiana Ser.l. 4:l54. l95l.
Evergreen trees; leaves serrate with prominent parallel lateral veins, elliptic, oblong or oblong-lanceolate. Flowers slolitary or fascicled or in simple raceme, often very large. Sepals usually 5, spreading, fleshy or pulpy in fruit. Petals usually 5, large. Stamens free, multiseriate; anthers linear, inner introrse, outer extrorse. Carpels 5-20; ovary many ovuled. Fruit globose. Seeds hard, brown or black, with or without a pulpy covering, not arillate.
About 60 species found in Mascarene Islands, S. and S.E. Asia, Indonesia, Queensland and Fiji.
Lower Taxon
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