14. Diphylax Hooker f., Icon. Pl. 19: t.1865. 1899.
Small plants with slightly elongated rhizomes. Stem with 2-3 shortly petioled leaves. Inflorescence ± loosely many-flowered, subsecund. Flowers small. Bracts as long as ovary. Perianth segments subequal. Labellum entire, with 3-toothed or blunt apex, shortly spurred. Column very short, anther-cells parallel or slightly diverging; pollinia sectile, granulose, with very short caudicles and small viscid-glands; no anther canals; staminode filiform erect, ± capitate, as long as or slightly exceeding the column, attached on either side of the anther; stigmas confluent, cushion-like (not on processes).
A Himalayan genus with 2 species. One species occuring in Northwestern Himalaya, the other in Sikkim-Bhutan.
Lower Taxon
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