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Pakistan | Family List | Cucurbitaceae

7. Diplocyclos (Endl.) von Post & O. Ktze., Lex. 278. 1903. C. Jeffrey in Kew. Bull. 16(3):339. 1962; in Milne-Redhead & Polhill, Fl. Trop. E. Afr. (Cucurbitaceae) 71. 1967; Hutch., Gen. Fl. Pl. 2:402. 1967; Gandhi in Saldanha & Nicholson, Fl. Hassan Dist. 177. 1976.


  • Bryonia sect. Diplocyclos Endl.
  • Ilocania Merr.

    Perennial herbs, monoecious, climbing with 2-fid tendrils. Leaves simple, palmately 5-lobed. Flowers small, white, cream or pale yellowish, male in short fascicles; female solitary or clustered and in the same axil as males. Calyx tube broadly campanulate, lined within by a nectary, 5-lobed, small. Corolla gamopetalous, 5-lobed, broadly campanulate, small; entire. Stamens 3, two 2-thecous and one 1-thecous, inserted on the calyx tube, anthers ovoid. Staminodes 3, short; disc annular, indistinct. Ovary terete, ovules horizontal, few; style slender, stigmas 3, bilobed; pistillode absent. Fruit a berry, globose-ovoid or ovoid-rostrate, red, longitudinally lined or variegated. Seeds pyriform, with highly convex disc and 2-grooved margin.

    A small genus of 4 species; 3 confined to Tropical Africa and one extends from Tropical Africa to Malaysia through Indo-Pakistan subcontinent.

    Lower Taxon

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  • Diplocyclos (PDF)
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