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Pakistan | Family List | Brassicaceae

Diplotaxis DC., Syst. Nat. 2: 628. 1821. Benth. & Hook.f., Gen. Pl. 1:84. 1862, Boiss., l.c. 387; Hook.f., l.c. 157; Vas. in Kom., l.c. 456; Schulz in Engl. & Prantl, l.c. 342; Hedge in Davis, l.c. 267; in Rech. f., l.c. 40.

Diplotaxis griffithii

Credit: Shaukat & Azmat

Annual or perennating herbs, erect, branched below; often hairy or scabrous with simple hairs. Leaves lyrate-pinnate to simple, lower shortly stalked, upper subsessile or sessile; all leaves ± dentate. Racemes corymbose above, becoming lax in fruit. Flowers often large, yellow, cream or cream-violet, pedicellate. Sepals oblong, subequal; inner pair hardly saccate at base but slightly hooded at the apex. Petals broadly obovate, shortly clawed or cuneate at the base, apex subemarginate. Stamens 6; filaments linear; anthers oblong, subacute, yellow. Lateral nectar glands often minute, depressed-prismatic; middle glands short, subglobose or stalk-like. Ovary subcylindrical, 16-many ovuled. Siliquae long, slender, oblong or linear, compressed, erect or pendulous, shortly beaked, (beak 0-1-seeded), dehiscent; valve with a distintct mid-vein; gynophore short or 0; septum hyaline, not veined; seeds usually indefinite, biseriate, small, 0.5-1 mm in diam., ovoid or ellipsoid, light brown; cotyledons conduplicate.

About 20 species, mostly in Europe and the Mediterranean region; only 2 species are found in our area.

1 Petals usually cream-violet with distinct claw. Sepals oblong, inner broader than the outer pair. Stipe of siliqua about 1 mm long   Diplotaxis griffithii
+ Petals yellow, limb narrowed below into indistinct claw. Sepals subequal. Stipe of siliqua 2-2.5 mm long   Diplotaxis harra

Lower Taxa

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