4. Epipogium Gmelin ex Borkhausen, Tent. Disp. Pl. Germ. 139. 1792.
Saprophytic plants with coral-like branched or tuberous rhizome, without roots. Stem leafless, fleshy, pale yellow-brown, with few close-fitting sheaths. Inflorescence ± straight or initially nodding. Flowers resupinate or not. Sepals and petals subequal. Labellum entire or 3-lobed (divided in hypochile and epichile), spurred, above with papillose longitudinal ridges. Column fleshy, stout; anther large, sessile, ± incumbent; pollinia 2, granular, with caudicles separately attached to heart-shaped viscidium; rostellum cuneate; stigma near base of column. Ovary ovoid, pedicellate, glabrous.
A small genus with 5 species, distributed in Europe and S.W. Asia, tropical Asia, Africa and Australia. Represented in Pakistan by 2 species.
1 |
Rhizome coral-like, branched. Flowers not resupinate. Labellum 3-lobed, facing upwards |
1 Epipogium aphyllum |
+ |
Rhizome tuberous. Flowers ± resupinate. Labellum entire, ± facing downwards |
2 Epipogium tuberosum |
Lower Taxa
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