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Pakistan | Family List | Frankeniaceae

Frankenia Linn., Sp. Pl. 331. 1753. Gen. P1. ed. 5. 154. 1754; Boiss., Fl. Or. 1:779. 1867; Post, Fl. Syr. Pal. Sin. 121. 1883; Benth. and Hk. f., Brit. Fl. 57. 1900; Kirk, Brit. Gard. Fl. 104. 1927; Jafri, Fl. Kar. 234. 1966; J. Cullen in Fl. Turk. 2:352. 1966; Hutch., Gen. Pl. 2:321.1967; A.O. Chater in Fl. Eur. 2:294. 1968.

  • Beatsonia Roxb.
  • Franca Mich. ex Adans.
  • Nothria Berg.
  • Streptima Rafin.

    Halophytic herbs or undershrubs. Stem with jointed nodes. Leaves opposite, decussate, small. Flowers solitary axillary or in cymes, sessile, pink. Sepals 4-6, induplicate or valvate, persistent. Petals 4-5, imbricate, claw with a ligular scale on the inner side. Stamens 4-6. Stigma 2-3 forked. Capsule unilocular, splitting by three valves.

    A genus of about 70 species, mostly subtropical; Mediterranean, drier parts of Canary Islands, Turkey, S. Iran, N. Africa, W. and SW Australia, W. India, W. Pakistan, W. South America and California. Represented in W. Pakistan by only 1 species.

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