Galega Linn., Sp.Pl. 714. 1753. Gen.Pl.ed.5.320.1754; Chamberlain in Davis, Fl. Turk. 3:41.1970.
Perennial herb, erect, much branched. Leaf imparipinnate; stipulate, stipules foliaceous, leaflets entire. Inflorescence an axillary or terminal raceme. Branch narrow, persistent, bracteoles absent. Calyx campanulate with 5 unequal teeth. Corolla white to purple. Vexillum obovate-oblong, glabrous, claw short. Wings slightly shorter than the vexillum, adhering near the base to keel. Keel as long as the wing. Stamens monadelphous, anthers uniform. Ovary sessile, ovules numerous, style curved, stigma terminal. Fruit linear, terete, unilocular, dehiscent.
A genus with about 8 species, distributed in S.Europe, W.Asia and East Tropical Africa.
Lower Taxon
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