7. Goodyera R. Br. in W. Aiton & W. T. Aiton, Hort. Kew. ed. 2, 5:197. 1813.
Small plants with creeping rhizomes. Leaves ± basal, almost in a rosette, ± petioled. Inflorescence many-flowered, one-sided, straight or slightly twisted. Flowers small, usually white, glandular. Dorsal sepal and petals adhering and forming a hood. Labellum with saccate basal half (hypochile) and a tongue-shaped anterior half (epichile). Column short; anther dorsal, attached by a short filament; rostellum erect, bifid; pollinia 2, seethe, attached to a viscid gland, which is inserted between the rostellum arms.
A large pantropical genus with about 80 species; also in the northern hemisphere, but mainly concentrated in tropical Asia. Represented in Pakistan by a single species.
Lower Taxon
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