Hiptage Gaertn., Fruct. 2:69, t.116. 1791. Brandis, Ind. Trees, 108. 1911; Hutch., Gen. Flow. Pl. 2 :585.1967.
Gaertnera Schreb.Molina Cav.
Climbing shrubs. Leaves usually glandular at the base, stipules sometimes absent. Pedicel jointed, 2-bracteolate. Flowers zygomorphic, bracteate. One or more of the sepals with a large gland on the outside. Petals 5. Stamens 10, the anterior one much longer than the others. Ovary 3-lobed. Style l, filiform. Mericarps l-3. Seeds sub-globose.
A genus of 20-30 species, mostly S. American; also in Mauritius, Celebes, Fiji, W. Malaysia, Formosa, Indochina, Burma, Ceylon, China to W. Himalayas. Represented here by only 1 species.
Lower Taxon
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