4. Hoppea Hayne ex Willd., Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berl. Neu Schrift. 3: 434. 1801. Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 100. 1883; Cramer in Dassan. & Forsb., Fl. Cey. 3: 75. 1981; Mathew & Rani, Fl. Tamilnad. Carn. 3(1): 976. 1983; Garg in Gent. N. W. Himal. 72. 1987.
Small, annual, profusely branched herb. Stem small, branched, 4-angled, ± winged. Leaves subsessile-sessile, elliptic-ovate, 1-3 nerved. Inflorescence a lax (-dense) terminal-axillary cynic, 2-3 branched. Flowers tetramerous. Calyx campanulate, lobes elliptic-lanceolate. Corolla greenish yellow, lobes ovate-oblong. Stamens 4: 3 short and sterile; 1 long, perfect and fertile. Ovary unilocular, globose-ellipsoid, ovules many on 2 intruded placenta; style short; stigma 2-lobed. Capsule ellipsoid-globose, 2-valved, seeds many, small, reticulated.
A genus of 2 species, distributed in India, Pakistan (?), Burma, Sri Lanka, Malaysia.
Lower Taxon
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