Laburnum Medic., Vorles. 2:362. 1784. Hutch., Gen. Flow.Pl. 1:355.1964; Fordin & Heywood in Tutin et al, Fl. Europ. 2:86.1968.
Trees or shrubs. Leaf palmately trifoliolate; stipules small. Inflorescence simple, axillary or pseudoterminal, pendulous raceme. Bract and bracteoles minute. Calyx gamosepalous, slightly bilabiate. Corolla yellow. Vexillum ovate or orbicular; keel shorter than the wings. Stamens monadelphous, alternate anthers shorter and versatile, alternately longer and basifixed. Ovary stipitate, many-ovuled, style glabrous, stigma terminal. Fruit slightly constricted between seeds, dehiscent. Seed estrophiolate, compressed.
A genus with c. 4 species, distributed in Europe, W. Asia and N. Africa.
Lower Taxon
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