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Pakistan | Family List | Orchidaceae

20. Liparis L. C. Rich., Orchid. Eur. Annot. 21. 1817. nom. cons.; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 691. 1890.


Terrestrial or epiphytic plants with pseudobulbs. Leaves 1 to several, articulate or not. Stem usually slender. Inflorescence few to many-flowered. Flowers resupinate, variable in size, rather small. Perianth segments spreading or reflexed, subequal, petals narrower. Labellum adnate to base of column, entire or lobed, ± reflexed from a short base. Column slender, elongate, incurved, slightly winged towards the apex; anther terminal, ± incumbent; pollinia 4, waxy, without caudicles or viscid glands. Stigma entire.

c. 250 species, cosmopolitan, in tropical and temperate areas. In Pakistan represented by 1 species.

Lower Taxon


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