3. Lycopersicon Miller, Gard. Dict. Abr. ed. 4:1754. Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Brit.Ind.4:237.1883; Bailey, Stand.Cyclop.Hort.4:1931.1919.
Annual straggling herbs with glandular pubescent parts. Leaves pinnately compound. Inflorescence a few flowered axillary cyme. Calyx 5-partite, enlarging in fruit. Corolla rotate, yellow. Stamens 5, attached near the corolla throat; anthers elongated, apiculate, adnate to each other, dehiscence longitudinal. Filaments shorter than the anthers. Fruit a many-seeded fleshy berry.
8 species, mainly W. South America and the Galapagos. Represented in Pakistan by 1 cultivated species.
Lower Taxon
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