Macroptilium Urb., Symb.Antill. 9:457. 1928. Hutchinson, Gen. Fl. Pl. 1:437. 1964; Verdc., in Kew Bull. 24:523.1970; Verdc. in Milne-Redhead & Polhill,Fl.Trop.E.Afr. (Leguminosae 4)507.1971.
Erect or climbing herbs, leaves pinnately trifoliolate, rarely unifoliolate; stipules not produced below the base; stipels present. Flowers in a peduncled raceme. Calyx tube narrowly campanulate or subtubular, lobes free, acute. Vexillum obovate or orbicular with 2 small reflexed auricles at the base of the limb. Wings round, longer than the vexillum. Keel partly boat-shaped, twisted, apex subhooded. Claws of wing and keel partly adnate to the staminal tube. Stamens diadelphous, 9+1, anthers uniform. Ovary subsessile, few or many ovuled, thickened part of the style abruptly curved through 90° just above the junction with the tenuous part, narrowed and slightly curved towards the apex, resembling a squarish hook; stigma capitate a little towards inside. Fruit linear, subterte or compressed, 2-valved; seeds numerous or few.
A genus with about 15 species, distributed in Tropical America; locally represented byan introduced species.
Lower Taxon
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