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Pakistan | Family List | Magnoliaceae

Magnolia Linn., Sp. Pl. 535. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5:240. 1754; Hook.f et Thom. in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. l:41. 1872; C.S. Sargent et M.W. Gill, Man. Trees N. Amer. ed. 2, I:342.1949.

Magnolia denudata

Credit: Zamir Azad

Deciduous or evergreen trees and shrubs with pubescent or glabrous branchlets. Leaves entire, sometimes auriculate, usually minutely punctate. Flowers large, terminal, appearing before or after leaves. Perianth 9-21, in 3-5 whorls. Stamens numerous, in many series; filaments short; anthers adnate. Gynoecium sessile; carpels many; ovary sessile, unilocular; style and stigma short, fused together, recurved; ovules 1 or usually 2, horizontal. Fruit a collection of woody follicles, dehiscence dorsal or ventral. Seeds l-2, red or brown, suspended by a long silky thread; albumen oily.

About 80 species in temperate and tropical Asia, North and South America, of which two are cultivated in Pakistan.

1 Deciduous; leaves green on both sides. Anthers with lateral dehiscence. Fruit dehiscing ventrally   Magnolia denudata
+ Evergreen; leaves rusty tomentose below. Anthers with introrse dehiscence. Fruit dehiscing dorsally   Magnolia grandiflora

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