Millettia Wight & Arnott, Prodr.Fl.Pen.Ind.Or. 1:263. 1834. Baker in Hook.f., Fl.Brit. Ind.2:104.1876;Dunn in J.Linn.Soc. (Bot.) 41:123. 1912; Parker, For.Fl. Punj.ed. 3.141.1956.
Trees, shrubs or woody climbers. Leaf imparipinnately compound; leaflets mostly stipellate and opposite; stipules small. Inflorescence a terminal raceme or panicle; flowers white, rose or purple. Bracts and bracteoles often deciduous before flowering. Calyx teeth almost absent or short, Vexillum large, nude or callose above the claw or rarely appendaged with auricles. Wings free from the
keel. Keel incurved, obtuse. Stamens mono or diadelphous, vexillary stamen free at the base but more or less connate above or quite free, anthers uniform. Ovary sessile or rarely stipitate, style glabrous, stigma terminal; ovules numerous. Annular disk surrounding the ovary mostly present. Fruit compressed, flat or thick or woody, 2-valved or tardily dehiscent. Seed orbicular or reniform, estrophiolate.
About 150 species, distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world; represented by 2 exotic species in Pakistan.
Lower Taxa
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