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Pakistan | Family List | Haloragidaceae

Myriophyllum Linn., Sp.Pl. 992. 1753. Gen.Pl.ed.5.429.1754; Boiss., Fl.Or.2:754. 1872; C.B.Clarke in Hook.f., Fl.Brit.Ind.2:432.1878; Schindler in Engler, Pflanzenr. iv:225.1905; Gorshkova in Shishkin, Fl. URSS, 15:663.1949; Rech.f.,Fl.Iran.18:1.1966;. Cook in Tutin et al., Fl.Eur.2:311.1968; Chamberlain in Davis, Fl.Turk.4:197. 1972; Hutch., Fam.Flow.Pl.ed.3.553.1973.

Aquatic, submerged and floating perennials. Leaves in whorls of 3-6, pectinate or pinnate. Flowers unisexual or hermaphrodite, axillary, alternate or verticillate in usually emergent spikes. Calyx campanulate; lobes 4, triangular. Petals 4, usually scaphoid or absent. Male flower: stamens 6-8. Female flower: ovary 1-4-locular; stigmas plumose or papillose. Fruit schizocarpic, splitting into one-seeded mericarps.

The genus contains 45 cosmopolitan species. Two species occur a Pakistan.

Hasanain & Rahman (Pl.Kar. & Sind 31.1957) reported Myriophyllum intermedium Linn. from Sind, but no specimens are cited. According to C.B.Clarke in Hook.f., Fl.Brit.Ind.2:433.1878, the distribution of the species is in Malay, Australia, New Zealand and S. America; its occurence in Sind is unlikely and the record needs to be confirmed.

1 Bracts 10-25 mm long, pectinate. Petals greenish-yellow in male flower, absent in female. Leaves in whorls of (4-) 5   Myriophyllum verticillatum
+ Bracts 1.5-3 mm long, upper entire, lower pinnatifid or with a cleft margin. Petals reddish in male flower, minute in female. Leaves in whorls of 4   Myriophyllum spicatum

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