2. Neottia J.E. Guettard, Hist. Acad. Roy. Sci. Mem. Math.-Phys. (Paris. 4)1750: 374. 1754. nom. cons.
Plants saprophytic with short rhizome and a cluster of slightly fleshy roots. Leaves none. Stem with brownish or greenish sheaths. Inflorescence terminal, many-flowered. Flowers pale brown or green-brown. Sepals and petals subequal. Labellum spurless, tongue-shaped, bibbed at apex. Column rather slender; anther suberect; pollinia 2, mealy; rostellum sensitive to touch, secreting a drop of mucilage (viscidium); stigma transverse. Ovary with slightly twisted pedicel, pubescent.
A genus with c. 10 species growing in forest humus in the Himalaya and S. China; one in Europe. Represented in Pakistan by 2 species.
1 |
Inflorescence rather loose; flowers relatively large, perianth c. 4 mm long; petals linear lanceolate |
1 Neottia listeroides |
+ |
Inflorescence ± dense; flowers small, Perianth c. 2 mm long; petals spathulate |
2 Neottia inayatii |
Lower Taxa
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