10. Nerium Linn., Sp. Pl. 209. 1753. DC., Prodr. 8:419. 1844; Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:47. 1879; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 3:654.1882; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bomb. 2:143,1904; Talbot, For. Fl. Bomb. Pres. & Sind 2:224.1911; Rech. f., Fl. Ir. 103: 2.1974; Stearn in Davis Fl. Turkey 6:159.1978.
Lactiferous, glabrous shrub, leaves whorled arranged in 3-4 rows, rarely opposite, mostly coriaceous, eglandular, with slender and narrow nerves, rarely glandular in the axil. Inflorescence a terminal paniculate cyme with large to medium sized showy flowers. Calyx lobes narrow mostly imbricate, slightly unequal with fleshy glands at the base inside. Corolla funnel-shaped with spreading, overlapping lobes, tube cylindric, short corona appendages petaloid, laciniate, opposite to the lobes. Anthers connivent with stigma. Carpels 2, free; ovules many in each ovary; style filiform or thickened above the middle; stigma fusiform. Follicles 2, vinous, more or less stout with oblong.
A genus of about 3 species distributed from Mediterranean region to North Asia; represented in Pakistan by one species.
Lower Taxon
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