10. Operculina S. Manso, Enum. Subst. Bras. 16. 1836. Hall. f. in Bot Jahrb. Syst. 16:582. 1893, Prain in J.As. Soc. Beng. 74:307.1906, van Ooststroom in van Steenis, Fl. Males., ser. 1,4:454.1953, Verdcourt in Hubbard & Milne-Redhead, Fl. Trop. E. Afr. 61.1963, Austin in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 62:184.1975.
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA
Large to small herbaceous climbers, the stems, petioles and pedicels often winged. Leaves entire to lobed, often cordate. Flowers axillary, in few-flowered cymes or solitary. Sepals large, glabrous, enlarging in fruit and becomings coriaceous, often irregularly erose on the margins. Corolla broadly campanulate, funnel-shaped or salverform, white, yellow or reddish. Anthers twisted in age. Fruits dehiscent at or above middle by a circumscissile epicarp, the upper part more or less fleshy and separating from the lower part and from the endocarp, 2-locular. Seeds glabrous or pubescent.
A genus of about 15 species found throughout the tropics. Flowering specimens are difficult to distinguish from Merremia. The assemblage has many of the same facies as Merremia.
Lower Taxon
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