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Pakistan | Family List | Ranunculaceae

18. Oxygraphis Bunge, Verz. Altai-Geb. Ges. Pfl., Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. 46. 1836. Hook.f. & Thoms. in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 1:21. 1872, Ovezinnikov in Komarov, Fl. URSS. 7: 325-328. 1937.


Naturhistorisches Museum, Botanische Abteilung, Wien, Austria.


National Herbarium, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Oxygraphis polypetala

Perennial with basal leaf-ros ettes and stem leaves or leafless scapes. Flowers either solitary or several, peduncles arising from the axils of ± crowded involucre l ike leaves. Sepals 5, sometimes coriaceous, persistent after flowering and embracing the fruiting head. Petals 5-15, oblong to linear. Stamens numerous. Carpels numerous, forming a subglobose to ellipsoidal head, usually with longitudinal veins and an acuminate subulate ± upright beak.

About 6 species in Europe, C. & E. Asia and Arctic Siberia. Represented by 1-2 species in Pakistan.

The genus has been merged into Ranunculus by nearly all the authors dealing with European plants, Wh ile it has been more generally accepted for the Asiatic floras. This is due to the fact, that only one well-known, circumpolar arctic alpine species, Oxygraphis vulgaris (= Ranunculus glacialis L.) is found in Europe. At present, the delimitation of Oxygraphis is not quite clear, as not all the characters regarded as decisive are found in all the species included by one or the other author. The most important distinctive character seems to be the persistent calyx.

1 Petals 10-15. Leaves reniform, base cordate, crenate sometimes with 3 lobes   1 Oxygraphis polypetala
+ Petals 5 (-8). Leaves ternate, with obovate crenate, entire or 3-5-toothed segments   2 Oxygraphis shaftoanus

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