Parkinsonia Linn., Sp. Pl. 375. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5. 177. 1754; Baker in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 260. 1878.
Shrubs or trees. Leaf bipinnate with a short spine-tipped rachis; pinnae 2-6, long and flattened; leaflets numerous, small; stipules spinescent. Inflorescence axillary raceme, bract small caducous. Calyx segments 5, slightly unequal, imbriĀ¬cate. Petals 5, slightly unequal. Stamens 10, free, filaments villous at the base, anthers uniform. Ovary shortly stipitate, many-ovuled, style filiform, stigma termiĀ¬nal. Fruit linear, torulose, finally dehiscing. Seeds oblong, hilum near the tip.
A genus with 2-3 species, distributed in America and S. Africa.
Lower Taxon
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