27. Pavetta L., Sp. Pl. 110. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5.49. 1754; Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 2. 114. 1873; Hook f., Fl. Brit Ind. 3: 149. 1880; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bomb. 2: 612. 1902; Bailey, St. Cycl. Hort. 3: 2488. 1930.
Boeonia DC.Crinita Houtt.Verulamia DC. ex Poir.
Shrubs or small tree. Leaves opposite, with bacterial nodules; stipules intrapetiolar, connate into a sheath, deciduous. Inflorescence trichotomously branched, corymbose, sometimes capitate. Flowers mostly white, bracteolate. Calyx-tube ovoid or turbinate, lobes 4(-5). Corolla salver shaped. tube slender; lobes 4-(5). Stamens 4-(5), inserted on the mouth of the corolla, filament short, or absent, anthers dorsifixed, linear, oblong or subulate. Ovary bilocular; style filiform, exserted, about twice as long as the corolla tube; stigma fusiform or clavate, ovules solitary. Fruits a drupe, globose or didymous, pyrenes two, cartilaginous; seeds with excavation, testa membranous.
A genus of about 400 species, palaeotropic in distribution, represented here by the following species.
Lower Taxon
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