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Pakistan | Family List | Lauraceae

Persea Miller, Gardener’s Diction. abridged ed. 4. 1754. Nees, Syst. Laur. 123. 1836; Meissner in DC., Prodr. 15(1): 43. 1864; Pax in Engl. & Prantl, H. fam. 3(2): 111, 114. 1889; Kostermans in Reinwardtia 4:225. 1957 (excl. Alseodaphne, Nothaphoebe, Stemmatodaphne, Caryodaphnopsis); 6:189. 1962; Bibl. Laur. 1193-95. 1964.

  • Machilus Desrouss.

    Evergreen trees or shrubs. Leaves spirally arranged, entire. Panicles usually sub-terminal, initially enclosed by the large perulate terminal bud, developing with the young flush; the bud scales leaving a collar of narrow scars. Flowers bisexual, 3-merous. Tepals 6 in 2 whorls, the outer ones usually shorter, deciduous in fruit or persistent, reflexed, but not hardened or enlarged; perianth tube very shallow. Fertile stamens usually 9 with long slender filaments; anthers 4-celled, of whorls 1 and 2, introrse; of whorl 3, extrorse and with basal glands; of whorl 4, staminodial; staminodes hastate on long slender filaments. Style long, slender. Fruit a fleshy berry, seated on a naked pedicel or the unaltered, reflexed tepals, persistent.

    A genus of about 200 species in the tropics and sub-tropics of Asia and America; 1 species in the Canary Islands. Represented in Pakistan by 2 species.

    1 Leaves with 12-20 pairs of nerves, odorless. Tepals pilose outside, up to 7 mm long. Fruit globose, up to 3 cm in diameter   Persea duthiei
    + Leaves with 7-14 pairs of nerves, with orange smell. Tepals glabrous, up to 6 mm long. Fruit ellipsoid, up to 7 x 15 mm   Persea odoratissima

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