2. Picrasma Blume, Bijdr. 247. 1825. Bennett in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 1: 520. 1875.
Trees or shrubs. Bark and wood very bitter. Leaves very large, imparipinnate. Flowers unisexual or polygamous, yellowish-green, small, in axillary long peduncled loose cymes. Calyx 4-5-lobed, lobes very small. Petals 4-5 (-6), valvate, often enlarging after flowering. Stamens 4-5, not scaly, hairy. Disc entire, thick. Carpels 3-7, free. Styles united only in the middle; stigmas free; ovule basal erect. Fruits 1-4, drupaceous. Seeds without endosperm.
A genus with 6 species, distributed in W. Himalayas to Japan & Malaysia. Represented here by the following species.
Lower Taxon
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