Pisum Linn., Sp.Pl. 727. 1753. Gen.Pl.ed.5.324.1754.
Herb, spreading or climbing by tendrils. Leaf pinnately compound, rachis ending in a bristle or tendril, leaflets 2-8, stipules foliaceous. Inflorescence a solitary or few-flowered axillary raceme. Bracts small, caducous, bracteoles absent. Calyx tube oblique, teeth subequal. Vexillum broad, with a claw. Wing bigger than keel and attached to the keel. Stamens diadelphous or monadelphous, anthers uniform. Ovary subsessile, many-ovuled, style bearded lengthwise on the inner side, stigma subterminal. Fruit compressed, 2-valved, seeds subglobose, funicle dilated into an aril, covering the hilum.
A genus with 2 species, mainly Mediterranean and W.Asian in distribution.
Lower Taxa
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