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Pakistan | Family List | Rubiaceae

31. Rondeletia *L., Sp. Pl. 172. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5: 79.1754: Beath. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 2: 48. 1873; Bailey, St. Cycl. Hon. 3: 2979. 1950; Bor & Raizada, Beaut. Ind. Climb. Shr. & Tr. 94. 1954; Kirkbride Jr. in Ann. Missouri Bob Gard. 55(3): 372. 1968.


Evergreen shrubs or small trees. Leaves opposite or in whorls of three, ovate, elliptic or rarely circular, obtuse, acute or acuminate. Stipules broad, interpetiolar, mostly free and entire. Inflorescence terminal corymbs or pantiles rarely thyrsold or of compound dichasia or spike-like. Flowers variously coloured or white. Hypanthium rotundate or oblong, disc annular. Calyx 4-6 (7)-lobed, lobes equal or unequal, sometimes foliaceous. Corolla salver-shaped or funnel form, 4-6-lobed, lobes obtuse, imbricate in bud, tube short. Stamens 4-6, variably attached with corolla-tube, filaments often unequal; anthers introrse. Ovary 2(-3)-loculed. Ovules many; style slender, stigma included or exserted, 2-3-lobed. Fruit a capsule, dehiscing loculicidally or septicidady. Seeds minute, many, sometimes winged at one or both ends.

A genus of about 125 species, distributed mainly in Tropical America and West Indies; represented in Pakistan by one cultivated species.

Lower Taxon


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