Sabia Colebr. in Trans.Linn.Soc. 12:355.t.14. 1818. Benth. & Hook.f., Gen. Pl. 1:414.1862; Hook.f., Fl.Brit. Ind. 2:1. 1879.
Androglossa Benth.Eunantia Falc.Menicosta Blume
Deciduous or evergreen, woody, scandent or stoloniferous shrubs with persistent bud scales at the bases of branches. Leaves petiolate, simple, entire. Inflorescence a solitary axillary cyme, rarely a panicle or raceme. Flowers small, greenish, purplish-red or yellowish, bracteolate. Sepals (4-) 5, equal, basally connate, somewhat orbicular-ovate. Petals (4-) 5(-6), equal, oval to oblong. Disc 5-lobed. Stamens (4-) 5(-6), all fertile, inserted on the disc and basally adnate to the petals, anthers ovoid or oblong. Carpels 2, rarely 3, slightly syncarpous; ovary ovoid to conical, 2(-3)-loculed; styles 2, rarely 3, slightly united, terminal, persistent and subbasilar in fruit. Fruit of 1 or 2, almost free, dorsally gibbous, reniform or subglobose drupes with pitted or reticulate bony endocarp. Seed reniform with a brittle testa.
About 55 species distributed from the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent and East Asia to the Solomon Islands.
Lower Taxon
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